As employers at the University of Iowa, you serve a critical role in the personal and professional development of our student employees.  The experiences students have on the job can shape positive habits for years to come.  Students receive motivational, training, and developmental support from you, the employer, and the Student Employment Office here at the University of Iowa is committed to do the same for UI employers.

Jobs and expectations of organizations and Universities like Iowa change consistently.  Our goal is to provide you with the most up to date training and information to maintain and improve your department’s ability to deal with changing work climates.  By providing a structured and consistent environment for student employees throughout campus, students will gain the most from their employment at the University and be more intentional on the job each day. 

Student supervisors are encouraged to enroll in the Supervising Today’s Students series offered through Learning and Development.  Each semester new offerings will be added to the series.  Current courses include

  • Introductory Session – Understanding the Modern Student’s Perspective
  • Successfully Training Student Employees
  • Student Employment: Nuts & Bolts
  • Effectively Leading Students
  • Empowering Students Through Motivation
  • Learning Styles – Understanding How Students Learn 
  • Connecting Work & Academics
  • Creating an Effective and Positive Workplace Culture
  • Generational Engagement – How Can Supervisors Succeed

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