At the University of Iowa, we pride ourselves on offering an affordable, top-tier education. The Office of Student Financial Aid is dedicated to supporting you throughout your educational journey. Our team collaborates closely with you, providing essential information about available financial aid options and guiding you through the application process. We’re committed to helping you invest wisely in your future.

Important Financial Aid Dates and Deadlines

kayaking the Iowa River

Summer 2024

June 15 - SAP Appeal Deadline for Summer 2024 enrollment

June 30 – FAFSA Submission Deadline for the 2023–24 award year

July 2Summer Financial Aid Application Deadline for Summer 2024 enrollment

July 2Consortium Agreement Submission Deadline for Summer 2024 enrollment

August 1 – Verification Deadline for Summer 2024 enrollment

Fall Lifestyle Photoshoot

Fall 2024

August 30 SAP Appeal Deadline

September 9Census Date

September 9Consortium Agreement Submission Deadline

November 1Verification Deadline