To better understand your costs, it's important you know what makes up each component of your estimated cost of attendance. Costs are researched by the Office of Student Financial Aid and recalculated every academic year.

Tuition & Fees
The tuition listed in the COA is an estimate and is finalized each summer by the State of Iowa Board of Regents for the following academic year.
- To view actual tuition and fees for a specific degree and/or program, visit the Registrar's Office for detailed tuition and fee information.
- Mandatory fees are charges in addition to tuition assessed to most students to help pay for the facilities and services available to them. Mandatory fees are not based on an individual’s use of facilities or services.
- A one-time non-refundable University Records and Document Fee of $250 is charged to all new students in their first semester of enrollment.
- The UI Registrar's Office determines the classification of residents and nonresidents for tuition purposes.

Housing & Food
The estimate within the COA is an allowance for the cost of housing (whether on- or off-campus or at home with family) and food for the academic year. Estimates are created by surveying students and local housing resources to determine an average of what students are spending.
A student's estimated housing amount may vary depending on WHERE they choose to live:
- University Housing
- Billed with tuition & fees to your University Bill (U-Bill).
- You will be charged based on your selected residence hall, room type, and meal plan.
- Off-Campus
- Options can vary drastically so research all of your available options to find what’s affordable for you.
- Make sure to understand your lease, security deposit, monthly rent, and monthly utility costs as off-campus housing options, including fraternity and sorority housing, will not be billed to your U-Bill.
- Living at Home
- Students living at home with a parent or other family do not have the same expenses for housing and food and therefore will have a lower estimated amount.
Food costs may also vary depending on a student's own spending (and eating) habits.

Books & Supplies
The COA also includes a standard estimate of what a student will spend on books, course materials, supplies, and equipment. This includes all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer.
This is an ‘unbilled’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ expense, meaning that students will purchase their own books and supplies. Students will not see a charge for books and supplies on their U-Bill unless the books and supplies are purchased from the Iowa Hawk Shop and charge directly to their U-Bill.

The estimate for personal expenses includes but is not limited to, an allowance for phone charges, clothes, general health care, recreation, entertainment, and laundry. Although actual expenses will vary depending on a student's specific spending habits, this estimate should help students to plan a budget.
This is an ‘unbilled’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ expense, meaning that students will purchase their own personal supplies.

The estimate for transportation expenses includes an allowance for the cost of traveling to and from campus and places of work, and traveling home during breaks each semester.
Transportation is an ‘unbilled’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ expense, meaning that students will pay for their own transportation costs.