The typical Work-Study offer is $2,500 per semester ($1,750 per semester for first-year and transfer students).

Student hourly work limitations are established by State of Iowa Law. Students may work a maximum number of 20 hours per week during the academic year. However, students may work a maximum of 40 hours per week during fall, winter, and spring breaks, and over the summer. See below for more information about hourly work limitations.

Student Hourly Work Limitations (using Work-Study)

  • 20 hours per week maximum (all hourly jobs combined). Exception: 40 hours over fall, winter, and spring breaks.
  • Although these are the hour limitations by law, the Work-Study dollar eligibility of the student will determine the average number of hours per week a Work-Study student can work before the Work-Study offer is earned. This may limit the average weekly work hours to less than the maximums listed above. The following example is for a student offered $1,750 Work-Study per semester who is earning the minimum wage of $12/hour:
    • The student can work an average of 6.6 hours per week during the 22-week fall period, which includes winter break ($12 x 6.6 hours x 22 weeks = $1,742.40)
    • The student can work an average of 11.8 hours per week during the 18-week spring period ($12 x 8.1 hours x 18 weeks = $1,749.60)
  • Many employers can continue to employ a student after the Work-Study offer is earned.The student should discuss this option with the employer before developing their weekly work schedule.

Student Hourly Work Limitations (without using Work-Study)

  • 20 hours per week maximum (all hourly jobs combined). Exception: 40 hours over fall, winter, and spring breaks, over the summer.

International Students

Residence Hall Assistants (RAs)

  • Per University Housing policy, RAs are not eligible to work at a student hourly position during the academic year. Exception: During winter break, 40 hours per week is allowed.
  • Students who are offered a Residence Hall Assistant position should contact us before accepting the position to determine how their financial aid may be affected.