Minimum GPA Requirement

Students must maintain the minimum grade-point average requirement of their respective colleges. Questions regarding the grade-point requirement should be directed to the individual college.

Minimum Pace Requirement

Use the formula below to determine your pace. The minimum pace requirement is 67%.

Completed Semester Hours (grades of A, B, C, D, S, or P) divided by Attempted Semester Hours (completed semester hours plus grades of F, N, U, W, O, or I)

Minimum Pace Example: 

 Fall Semester+Spring Semester=Total
Completed Hours6+6=12
Attempted Hours9+9=18

12 ÷ 18 = .67 (67 %)

Duration of Eligibility

Students are considered for financial aid for a limited time. All UI graduate hours are included in the duration of eligibility. If you exceed the number of attempted credit hours (all UI graduate courses taken including W, F, U, N, O, and I grades) listed below then you will have reached the duration limit for the program, and you must file a SAP Appeal to regain financial aid eligibility.

Your duration limit will be automatically updated if your major or degree changes and will be reviewed under those SAP standards during the next review period.

Master's Level

Ed.S. = 101 hours
M.A., M.S. = 75 hours
M.Ac. = 45 hours
M.A.T. = 101 hours
M.C.S. = 48 hours
M.F.A. = 123 hours
M.P.A.S. = 171 hours
M.P.H. = 63 hours
M.S.N. = 69 hours
M.S.N. - C.N.L. = 59 hours
M.H.A, M.S.W. = 90 hours
M.P.A.F.F. = 63 hours
M.B.A. = 83 hours

Doctoral Level

Au.D. = 143 hours
D.M.A. = 108 hours
D.N.P. = 156 hours
D.P.T. = 156 hours
Ed.D. = 113 hours
PharmD = 225 hours
Ph.D. = 155 hours

Impact of Course Repeats, Withdrawals, Incompletes, Remedial, and ESL Courses

Email Satisfactory Academic Progress staff at if you have questions about course repeats (duplications), withdrawals, incompletes, remedial, or ESL courses.

Course Repeats: Students receiving an F in a course may repeat that course and receive financial aid for it until the course is passed. Students receiving a passing grade (D- or better) and retaking the course may only receive financial aid for that course one additional time. Repeated courses will be counted towards both the pace, GPA, and duration of eligibility components of SAP.

Course Drops after the add/drop period (W's): A withdrawn course will count as attempted hours but will not count as completed hours in the SAP pace calculation.

Semester Withdrawals: View Impact of Student Withdrawal.

Incompletes: An Incomplete will count as attempted hours but will not count as completed hours (therefore affecting pace). An incomplete may negatively affect a student's pace and aid eligibility. Once the work is completed a grade, passing or failing, is assigned and that grade will be incorporated into the next SAP review.

Retroactive Grade Changes: SAP eligibility is based on a grade check after final grades are posted and before the next semester has started. Grade changes that occur after final grades have posted can be considered on a case-by-case basis based on student request. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid to see if your grades can be reviewed based on any retroactive changes.

Remedial Courses: All remedial courses are assigned a credit hour value, some of these courses are zero credit hours. Remedial courses that are zero hours do not count towards enrollment for financial aid purposes. Remedial courses that are one or more credit hours count as attempted hours and completed hours. Remedial courses assigned a grade of A-F will affect GPA, but remedial courses assigned a grade of S or U will not affect GPA.

ESL Courses: Some students may qualify for federal financial aid for ESL courses as long as the student is a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, is in a degree-seeking program and the ESL courses are assigned a credit hour value greater than zero.