Summer Financial Aid

The summer application is made available the Monday after Spring Break each year. To apply for 2025 summer financial aid, you must:

  • have the 2024–25 FAFSA on file in the Office of Student Financial Aid
  • be registered for all summer courses before submitting the summer application. Early summer registration begins March 10, 2025
  • complete the summer financial aid application on MyUI 

You must apply for and be offered summer financial aid before your summer session ends.

Summer Financial Aid Offer

Financial aid offers will become available in MyUI starting in late April (be sure to change the session to summer). Offers will continue to be made available as we receive applications. You will receive an email when your financial aid offer is ready. Aid options include:

Summer University Bill (U-Bill) and Disbursement

Tuition and fees and residence hall room and board will be charged to your U-Bill beginning in May. The U-Bill must be paid by the due date, regardless of delays, reductions, or cancellations of financial aid.

Questions regarding the U-Bill or the impact of not paying the U-Bill should be directed to the University Service Center at 2700 University Capitol Centre, 319-335-0071, 800-943-4557, or email

Financial aid disbursements will begin on the first day of your summer class if all disbursement requirements are met.

Withdrawing or Dropping Classes After the Summer Semester Has Begun

Summer financial aid offers are based on the number of semester hours in which the student was registered at the time the Summer Financial Aid Application was processed.

Summer financial aid may be reduced or canceled if a student’s registration changes (i.e., dropping individual courses, or withdrawing completely), according to federal regulations. How a student’s financial aid may be impacted by dropping individual courses or entirely withdrawing registration is determined by the student’s specific enrollment status and financial aid offer.

Students who withdraw their summer registration are no longer eligible for summer Work-Study employment. Students employed under the part-time hourly program who withdraw in the summer must have been enrolled for the prior spring or their summer employment will be terminated.

Students wishing to drop individual courses or entirely withdraw their summer registration must notify the UI Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) in writing on the day of or prior to changing their registration to see how their financial aid may be affected. The email should include the information listed below.

Required Information for Change of Registration Notification

Notification can be provided by email (, fax (319-335-3060), or by speaking with a financial aid advisor in 2400 University Capitol Centre. The following information must be provided:

  • Email Subject: Summer Change of Registration Notification
  • Student's name
  • UI ID number
  • Student's email or phone number
  • Course(s) the student will be withdrawing from or dropping
  • Date you anticipate dropping of individual course(s) or entire withdrawal
  • If you plan to enroll or are currently enrolled in a summer course that begins at a later date, include the course title and the start date of the course

Winter Financial Aid

Winter session financial aid is usually limited to Federal Direct Loans. A separate winter application is required to be considered for loans. You must be registered for winter courses prior to submitting the winter application. The winter application is made available in MyUI in early November each year and must be submitted one week prior to the end of the winter session.

The University of Iowa’s financial aid year includes the following terms: fall, winter, spring, and summer. Because the winter term falls in the middle of the year between fall and spring semesters, most students already have an academic year financial aid package that covers living expenses for the winter session. Therefore, most students' cost of attendance for winter will only include expenses for tuition and books. The winter cost of attendance is calculated based on the information supplied on the winter application.

Winter Loans

If you have already accepted your annual Federal Direct Stafford Loan (subsidized and/or unsubsidized) maximum for the fall and spring semesters, you will not be eligible for subsidized and/or unsubsidized loans for the winter session. (View the annual loan maximums for subsidized and unsubsidized loans).

The parent of a dependent student can apply for the Federal Direct Parent PLUS loan pending credit approval.

Graduate/professional students are eligible to receive the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan pending credit approval.

Students or parents can apply for private student loans. Students applying for private student loans will typically require a co-signer.

Winter Financial Aid Offer

Financial aid offers will become available in MyUI starting in late November. Offers will continue to be made available as we receive applications. You will receive an email when your financial aid offer is ready.

Winter U-Bill and Disbursement

Financial aid disbursements will begin on the first day of your winter class if all disbursement requirements are met.